Power BI Dashboard Step by Step

Power BI Dashboard Step by Step

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. – Albert Einstein

Data analysis is an exciting field to get into and the career prospects are amazing. You don’t need to be a math/computer science/coding whiz to land a job in data analysis.

Data Analysis in demand and we normally use Excel to create beautiful Charts and Graphs to show the results. But Power BI is the ultimate choice to prepare quick Reports and Dashboards and easy to understand that is the reason it has become the first choice of a Data Analysis.

In this Course I will teach you to create some beautiful Dashboards/Reports by simple techniques in few minutes. Power BI was generally made available in 2015 and by the time it is has become the Leader in the market for Business Intelligence (source: Gartner Report).


  • Simple methods to prepare Power BI Dashboards
  • Quick way to create Reports and Dashboards

How to Enroll Power BI Dashboard Step by Step course?

  • To Access "Power BI Dashboard Step by Step" Click on Enroll Now button at end of the post. It will redirect you to Udemy Course Page and then you can start the enrollment process.
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  • How many members can access this course with a coupon?

    Power BI Dashboard Step by Step Course coupon is limited to the first 1,000 enrollments. Click 'Enroll Now' to secure your spot and dive into this course on Udemy before it reaches its enrollment limits!

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