Jonas Schmedtmann

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Duration : 68.5 Hours What you'll learnBecome an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer from scratchBuild 6 beautiful ...

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What you'll learn -67 hours courseBecome an advanced, confident, and modern React developer from scratchBuild 8+ beautiful projects, ...

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What you'll learnTons of modern CSS techniques to create stunning designs and effectsAdvanced CSS animations with @keyframes, ...

What you'll learn-38 hoursBecome a modern and confident HTML and CSS developer, no prior knowledge needed!Design and build a stunning ...

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So, have you never written a single line of code in your life?You have come to the right place! We will start slowly, step-by-step, and then speed up the ...

What you'll learn-42 hoursMaster the entire modern back-end stack: Node, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose (MongoDB JS driver)Build a ...

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