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Best JavaScript Courses With Certification

Best JavaScript Courses With Certification

JavaScript is a versatile programming language widely used for web development, enabling dynamic and interactive content on websites. To master JavaScript, selecting the right courses with certification is crucial. Look for courses on platforms like Udemy, Coursera, or freeCodeCamp, considering factors such as comprehensive content, hands-on projects, and instructor expertise. Certifications from recognized entities like Mozilla or Microsoft can enhance your credibility. Choose courses that cover key concepts like DOM manipulation, asynchronous programming, and frameworks like React or Angular. Ultimately, the best JavaScript courses provide practical skills and certification, ensuring you’re well-equipped for effective web development.

Explore our compilation of JavaScript tutorials designed to guide learners of all levels—whether you’re a beginner, at an intermediate stage, or an expert. These tutorials are tailored to help you master JavaScript from the ground up.

JavaScript – The Complete Guide 2024 (Beginner + Advanced)

What you’ll learn-52 hours

  • Learn JavaScript from scratch and in great detail – from beginner to advanced
  • All core features and concepts you need to know in modern JavaScript development
  • Everything you need to become a JavaScript expert and apply for JavaScript jobs
  • Project-driven learning with plenty of examples
  • All about variables, functions, objects and arrays
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Deep dives into prototypes, JavaScript engines & how it works behind the scenes
  • Manipulating web pages (= the DOM) with JavaScript
  • Event handling, asynchronous coding and Http requests
  • Meta-programming, performance optimization, memory leak busting
  • Testing, security and deployment
  • And so much more!

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Modern JavaScript From The Beginning 2.0 – 2023 Revamp

What you’ll learn

  • Learn the Fundamentals (Variables, Loops, Functions, etc)
  • Learn How JavaScript Works (Execution Context, Call Stack, Async JS)
  • Master the Document Object Model & Events (Interactivity)
  • Asynchronous JavaScript (Callbacks, Promises, Fetch, Ajax)
  • OOP (Constructors, Prototypes, Classes)
  • Modern Tooling & Workflow (Webpack, Babel, File Structure, NPM, Plugins & Loaders)
  • Full Stack Project With Webpack, Node, Express & MongoDB
  • 5 Real World Projects & 10+ Mini-Projects 

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The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: From Zero to Expert!

What you’ll learn

  • Become an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer from scratch
  • Build 6 beautiful real-world projects for your portfolio (not boring toy apps)
  • Become job-ready by understanding how JavaScript really works behind the scenes
  • How to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching, workflows
  • JavaScript fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, etc.
  • Modern ES6+ from the beginning: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, optional chaining (ES2020), etc.
  • Modern OOP: Classes, constructors, prototypal inheritance, encapsulation, etc.
  • Complex concepts like the ‘this’ keyword, higher-order functions, closures, etc.
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: Event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX calls and APIs
  • How to architect your code using flowcharts and common patterns
  • Modern tools for 2022 and beyond: NPM, Parcel, Babel and ES6 modules
  • Practice your skills with 50+ challenges and assignments (solutions included)
  • Get fast and friendly support in the Q&A area
  • Course pathways: design your unique learning path according to your goals!

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JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio

What you’ll learn

  • 20 projects with pure JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 with all code provided
  • Go from a total beginner to a confident JavaScript developer
  • Learn UI/UX practices to build responsive and mobile first web applications
  • Asynchronous programming with AJAX, Fetch API, Promises & Async + Await
  • Write clean, maintainable and performant Javascript code
  • Work with Web APIs (localStorage, DOM, + more)
  • Modern HTML5 (Canvas, Video, Audio + more)
  • Modern CSS3 (Animations, Transitions, Variables + more)
  • Avoid common mistakes other Javascript programmers and beginners make
  • Build 20 beautiful and customizable, real world frontend applications 

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JavaScript Basics for Beginners

What you’ll learn

  • Understand the fundamental concepts in JavaScript
  • Learn problem-solving skills
  • Learn and apply the best practices
  • Avoid common pitfalls and mistakes other JavaScript developers make
  • Write solid JavaScript code 

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50 Projects In 50 Days – HTML, CSS & JavaScript

What you’ll learn

  • Project based teaching to sharpen your HTML, CSS & JavaScript skills
  • Perfect for beginners looking for things to build unique projects in a short timeframe
  • Modern styling with flexbox, CSS animations, custom properties, etc
  • DOM manipulation, events, array methods, HTTP requests & more 

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ES6 Javascript: The Complete Developer’s Guide

What you’ll learn

  • Learn how to apply each feature of ES6 in practical situations
  • Understand the major features of ES6
  • Have total mastery of generators
  • Know the difference between ES6 and ES2015
  • Teach other developers about destructuring
  • Never need to write a for loop again! 

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JavaScript Fundamentals

What you’ll learn

  • Create JavaScript Programs
  • User Variable and Operators
  • Launch Popup Boxes
  • Write conditional and looping logic
  • Create custom functions
  • Handle Events Programmatically
  • Catch and handle errors
  • Learn the basics of debugging
  • Manipulate HTML from JavaScript
  • Use the Browser Object Model
  • Do HTML form validation
  • Create custom JavaScript Objects

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Javascript Essentials

What you’ll learn

  • Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
  • Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
  • Understand what is Javascript in it’s truest form.
  • Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
  • Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.

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Basic Coding in JavaScript

What you’ll learn

  • Basic coding/programming
  • Problem solving skills

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JavaScript Introduction

What you’ll learn

  • How to add JavaScript (JS) code in your Web site/Web app, how to debug it
  • How to make interactive Web sites through the DOM API
  • How to change the CSS styles of HTML5 elements from JavaScript
  • How to deal with HTML5 forms
  • How to make basic graphics and animations using the HTML5 canvas
  • How to use the basic concepts of ES2016, the last iteration of the language: arrays, functions, loops, basic objects

Duration: Approx 40 Hr

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Programming with JavaScript-Meta

What you’ll learn

  • Creating simple JavaScript codes.

  • Creating and manipulating objects and arrays.

  • Writing unit tests using Jest

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In conclusion, mastering JavaScript through the best courses ensures you are well-equipped to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

How to Enroll Best JavaScript Courses With Certification course?

  • To Access "Best JavaScript Courses With Certification" Click on Enroll Now button at end of the post. It will redirect you to Udemy Course Page and then you can start the enrollment process.
  • If you're New to Udemy? Sign up with your email and create a password. for Existing users, log in with your credentials to access course.
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    Best JavaScript Courses With Certification Course coupon is limited to the first 1,000 enrollments. Click 'Enroll Now' to secure your spot and dive into this course on Udemy before it reaches its enrollment limits!

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