Best Free ES6 Courses

Best Free ES6 Courses

Do you want to learn ES6? Here we listed Best Free ES6 Courses which will help you learn ES6, and are suitable for beginners, intermediate learners as well as experts.

Introduction to ES6+

What you’ll learn

  • Template Literals
  • Destructuring
  • Object Literal
  • For of loop
  • Spread operator
  • Rest operator
  • Arrow Functions
  • Default Params
  • Classes
  • Array.includes()
  • Export & import
  • Object.keys()
  • Async/Await
  • String.padStrart(), String.padEnd()
  • Trailing commas
  • Classes
  • Sets
Trainer: Dylan C. Israel

ES6 JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners – Getting Started

What you’ll learn

  • Learn all you need to know about modern ES6 JavaScript!
Trainer: Academind

ES6 – JavaScript Improved

What you’ll learn

  • Learn new ways to define variables
  • Use destructuring to work more efficiently with arrays and objects
  • Explore a new method for looping using the for…of loop
  • Write cleaner and more concise functions using arrow functions
  • Learn how the `this` keyword behaves when working with arrow functions
  • Explore new ways to create extendable JavaScript classes and subclasses
  • Experiment with new object types for Sets, Maps, WeakSets, and WeakMaps
  • Handle asynchronous requests using JavaScript Promises
  • Learn how generators can be used to pause the execution of a function while also maintaining its own state
  • Write ES6 code for unsupported browsers with polyfills and transpilers
  • Use a transpiler to convert ES6 code to ES5 code
Duration: Approx. 4 Weeks
Trainer: Richard Kalehoff, James Parkes

Advanced and Object Oriented JavaScript and ES6

What you’ll learn

  • Master primitive and reference types and their differences
  • Adding and removing properties to objects
  • Use various in built reference types
  • Learn the different ways to create and use functions
  • Understand how to Overload Functions
  • Use the “this” object and change it
  • Define and Delete Object properties
  • Use different types of properties
  • Modify object property attributes
  • Prevent object modification
  • Understand and use constructors and prototypes
  • Learn how to change the default prototype
  • Implement inheritance using prototype chaining
  • learn constructor inheritance
  • Invoke super constructors and methods
  • Master the super cool features ES6 has to offer
Duration: 5hr 24min
Rating: 4.5 (1,271 ratings) out of 5
Trainer: Bharath Thippireddy
Leveling up to ES6

What you’ll learn

  • Know what all the new ES6 features include
  • Be able to implement and use the ES6 features
  • Understand when these particular ES6 features should be used
  • Understand why these ES6 features help you write cleaner and concise code
Duration: 3hr 8min
Rating: 4.5 (1,257 ratings) out of 5 
Trainer: Cody Seibert
ES6 / EcmaScript Fast Crash Course

What you’ll learn

  • implement ES6 code in their apps
  • understand more TypeScript and Framework JS which uses ES6
Duration: 2hr 41min
Rating: 4.0 (1,022 ratings) out of 5 
Trainer: Edwin Diaz


How to Enroll Best Free ES6 Courses course?

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