Best Free Apache Spark Courses

Best Free Apache Spark Courses

Do you want to learn Apache Spark? Here we listed Best Free Apache Spark Courses which will help you learn Spark, from beginner basics to advanced techniques, with online video tutorials taught by industry experts and are suitable for beginners, intermediate learners as well as experts.

Apache Spark Tutorial For Beginners

What you’ll learn

  • Learn the basics of Big Data
  • How to install Apache Spark on Windows and Ubuntu
  • Implement Spark with Python in PySpark
Duration: 6:41:06
Trainer: Simplilearn

Apache Spark & Scala Tutorial Videos

What you’ll learn

  • Understand about the most powerful real-time big data processing framework called Spark
  • Learn the basics of Spark and install Spark with Windows and Ubuntu
  • Learn the various components of Spark such as Spark Core, Spark MLlib, Spark Streaming, Spark SQL and GraphX
  • Learn about PySpark
Trainer: Simplilearn

Spark Starter Kit

What you’ll learn

  • Learn about the similarities and differences between Spark and Hadoop.
  • Explore the challenges Spark tries to address, you will give you a good idea about the need for spark.
  • Learn “How Spark is faster than Hadoop?”, you will understand the reasons behind Spark’s performance and efficiency.
  • You will get a strong foundantion in understanding RDDs in depth and then we take a step further to point out and clarify some of the common misconceptions about RDD among new Spark learners.
  • understand the types of dependencies between RDD and more importantly we will see why dependencies are important.
  • understanding of some of the key concepts behind Spark’s execution engine and the reasons why it is efficient.
  • Master fault tolerance by simulating a fault situation and examine how Spark recover from it.
  • how memory and the contents in memory are managed by spark.
  • Understand the need for a new programming language like Scala.
  • Examine object oriented programming vs. functional programming.
  • Explore Scala’s features and functions.
Duration: 3hr 18min
Rating: 4.5 (2,959 ratings) out of 5
Trainer: Hadoop In Real World
Scala and Spark 2 – Getting Started

What you’ll learn

  • Setup Development environment for building Scala and Spark applications
  • Install Java and JDK
  • Setup IntelliJ and add Scala plugin
  • Develop simple Scala program
  • Integrating IntelliJ with Spark
  • Setup sbt to build scala applications
  • Setup winutils to read files on windows using Spark
  • Build jar file using sbt
  • Setup Spark and run Spark job
Duration: 6hr 46min
Rating: 4.1 (657 ratings) out of 5
Trainer: Durga Viswanatha Raju Gadiraju
Python and Spark – Setup Development Environment

What you’ll learn

  • Setup Development Environment for Python and Spark on Windows 10
Duration: 47min
Rating: 4.0 (356 ratings) out of 5
Trainer: Durga Viswanatha Raju Gadiraju
Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark

What you’ll learn

  • read data from persistent storage and load it into Apache Spark,
  • manipulate data with Spark and Scala,
  • express algorithms for data analysis in a functional style,
  • recognize how to avoid shuffles and recomputation in Spark
Duration: Approx. 28 hours
Rating: 4.7 (2,251 ratings) out of 5
Trainer: Prof. Heather Miller
Big Data Analytics Using Spark

What you’ll learn

  • Programming Spark using Pyspark
  • Identifying the computational tradeoffs in a Spark application
  • Performing data loading and cleaning using Spark and Parquet
  • Modeling data through statistical and machine learning methods
Duration: Approx. 90 hours
Trainer: The University of California, San Diego

What you’ll learn

  • Understand the big data ecosystem
  • Understand when to use Spark and when not to use it
  • Manipulate data with SparkSQL and Spark Dataframes
  • Use Spark for wrangling massive datasets
  • Troubleshoot common errors and optimize their code using the Spark WebUI
  • Use Spark’s Machine Learning Library to train machine learning models at scale
Duration: Approx. 10 hours
Trainer: David Drummond, Judit Lantos
Scalable Machine Learning on Big Data using Apache Spark

What you’ll learn

  • gain a practical understanding of Apache Spark, and apply it to solve machine learning problems involving both small and big data
  • understand how parallel code is written, capable of running on thousands of CPUs.
  • make use of large scale compute clusters to apply machine learning algorithms on Petabytes of data using Apache SparkML Pipelines.
  • eliminate out-of-memory errors generated by traditional machine learning frameworks when data doesn’t fit in a computer’s main memory
  • test thousands of different ML models in parallel to find the best performing one – a technique used by many successful Kagglers
  • run SQL statements on very large data sets using Apache SparkSQL and the Apache Spark DataFrame API.
Duration: Approx. 5 hours
Rating: 3.9 (660 ratings) out of 5
Trainer: Romeo Kienzler
Distributed Computing with Spark SQL

What you’ll learn

  • U​se the collaborative Databricks workspace and write SQL code that executes against a cluster of machines
  • Use Spark UI to analyze performance and identify bottlenecks
  • Create an end-to-end pipeline that reads data, transforms it, and saves the result
  • B​uild a linear regression model and make predictions using SparkSQL
Duration: Approx. 13 hours
Rating: 4.4 (77 ratings) out of 5
Trainer: University of California, Davis


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