

What you'll learnAprenderán a programar con Python desde cero hasta experto!Desde los temas más básicos, intermedios y avanzados! ...

What you'll learnCrear aplicaciones Web y Empresariales Java con competencias reales para conseguir oportunidades en el mercado laboral y ...

What you'll learnAprender la Lógica de Programación desde Cero y de una vez por todas!Aprender a aplicar la Lógica de Programación en los ...

What you'll learnCrear aplicaciones Web de Cero a Experto, utilizando HTML, CSS y JavaScript con las últimas versiones al día de hoy! ...

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What you'll learnMaster how to install, configure and use Crystal Reports, Web Intelligence, Dashboards and Analysis Edition to get actionable ...

What you'll learnQuickly Learn the Linux Command Line from Scratch!Become an Independent User of the Linux Operating System! ...

What you'll learnFind out Why You Need to Dig Deep into the Most Primitive Method of Trading i.e Japanese CandlesticksLearn How ...

What you'll learnHave a basic understanding of the Ethereum blockchainKnow about tools that are used to program in Solidity (Hardhat and ...

What you'll learnNumPy For Data AnalysisNumPy For Data ScienceNumerical Computation Using PythonHow To Work With ...

What you'll learnBuild a Solid Foundation in Data Analysis with PythonYou will be able to work with the Pandas Data Structures: Series, ...

What you'll learnLearn the Hub and Spoke network model in AzureLearn how to log the network trafficLearn how to secure and ...

What you'll learnThe fundamentals of developing and deploying applications into Container AppsManaging and securing Container Apps...

What you'll learnLearn AKS and Kubernetes network best practicesLearn how to securely expose services in KubernetesLearn how to ...

What you'll learnAutomate infrastructure deployment to the cloudCreate Terraform templatesWorking with the "Execution Plan" ...

What you'll learnYou will be able to deploy, manage and scale your apps in Kubernetes.You will be able to deploy your apps on Azure AKS. ...

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What you'll learnWhat is DevOps and CI/CDCreating CI/CD pipelines for Web, Mobile and Container appsIncluding the Database ...

What you'll learnGo from Beginner to Advanced in Python Programming by learning all of the basics to Object Orientated Programming.Write ...

What you'll learnCreate your own story to build not only pleasing but informative data visualizationsDevelop and execute the planning and ...

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What you'll learnPass the Microsoft AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals testEarn the Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals badgeLearn ...

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What you'll learnBuild Income & ExpensesTracker App using MERN STACKBuild React Portfolio from scratchBuild real world ...

What you'll learnCore Blender Functionality: Solid foundation in modeling, sculpting, texturing, lighting, animation, and rendering techniques....

What you'll learnTag Element AttributesVisual Studio SetupText and HeadingText FormattingChoosing ...

What you'll learnDigital ForensicsUsage of Linux CommandsComputer ForensicsVolatility FrameworkLinux ...


What you'll learnDigital Forensics FundamentalsCreating Digital Forensics LabInvestigate Volatile and Non-Volatile Memory ...

What you'll learnUnderstanding the fundamental concepts of network security.Learning about various network security guidelines and ...

What you'll learnUnderstanding the basics of the Linux operating system, including its history and philosophy.Navigating the Linux file ...

What you'll learnJava CoreJava Development Kit (JDK) setupBasic Java program executionIntegrated Development ...

What you'll learnUse of MS Word, Excel, PowerpointFunction of MS Word, Excel, PowerpointUse of HTML, CSS, Wordpress ...

What you'll learnCreate database or interact with existing databases with SQLLearn and use: Normal forms, Datatypes, Charset and ...

What you'll learnGain comprehensive knowledge of Linux, its various distros, and the ability to navigate the Linux environment with ease and ...

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