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Udemy Discount Courses March 2025




What you'll learnMaster SQL for Data Analysis – Follow a structured, hands-on approach to transform raw data into meaningful insights. ...

What you'll learn -25.6 hours courseLearn Terraform basics and Advanced Concepts like Modules, Interpolation, State FilesBuild Ansible ...

What you'll learnOverview of Programming ConceptsIntroduction to Web Development: HTML, CSS, Java, and JavaScript ...

complete My SQLMySQL Introduction TutorialMySQL Installation & Workbench TutorialMySQL Create Table TutorialMySQL ...

What you'll learnHow to install and use Spacy in Python projectsThe basics of natural language processing and how Spacy can be used for ...

What you'll learnIn-Depth InDesign TrainingDesign PrinciplesPractical ProjectsMastering TypographyImages ...

What you'll learnAll the use of function and tools of Adobe Premiere ProAll the use of function and tools of After EffectAll ...

What you'll learnUnderstand the basics like components, state, props, and JSX.Create reusable and efficient components to build dynamic ...

What you'll learnPython: Master the fundamentals of Python programming, including data structures, object-oriented programming, and web development ...

What you'll learnInstall Python and write first programLearn Python from scratchCreate a command line based program ...

What you'll learnSolid foundation in Python programming, data types, loops, conditionals, functions and moreCreate and analyze projects ...

What you'll learn Use of HTML and CSS Use of Wordpress Use of Elementor Use of PHP and MySQLHere's what you can expect from this course:Master ...

What you'll learnIntroduction to Payroll?How to Prepare Payroll By Using Microsoft Excel?How to Install The Tally ...

What you'll learn-24.5 hoursMaster Python Fundamentals: Understand the core concepts of Python programming, including variables, data types, loops, ...

What you'll learnSQL SyntaxSQL Where, Order By, AND, OR, NOTSQL Insert, Update, DeleteMYSQL Create Database...

What you'll learnCloud ServicesDeveloper AccountAppsObject & TabsFieldsFormula Fields...

What you'll learnBusiness AnalysisData AnalysisMicrosoft ExcelData ScienceData Collection and ...

What you'll learnOverview and History of JavaScript, jQuery, TypeScriptSetting Up jQuery in Your ProjectsAdd and Remove ...

What you'll learnMaster Core Angular Concepts – Learn essential features like components, directives, services, pipes, HTTPClient, RxJS and many ...

What you'll learnA deep understanding of the most useful and advanced functions of ExcelApply charting techniques that the pros use and ...

What you'll learnHow to Administrator a K8s Cluster, DevOps PracticeDeploy Application on Local & Cloud MachineHow to ...

What you'll learnUnderstand deep reinforcement learning and its applicationsBuild your own neural networkImplement 5 different ...

What you'll learnStructure your Node API project like a proUnderstand why and how to containerise your app using DockerSetup a ...

What you'll learnLearn Project planning and Project Scheduling in 22 HoursLearn to Use Complete MS Project From Zero with No Experience ...

What you'll learnUnderstand the fundamentals of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)Learn how to preprocess image data for deep learning ...

What you'll learnConvertirse de un total principiante a un desarrollador avanzado de JavaScriptFundamentos de JavaScript y programación: ...

What you'll learnAprenderán a utilizar Microsoft Excel desde Cero hasta AvanzadoAprenderán temas como: Libros, Hojas, Celdas, ...

What you'll learnDesarrollarás aplicaciones web modernas, complejas, con capacidad de respuesta y escalables con AngularConviértete en un ...

What you'll learnYou will learn all about Linux from scratch and by the end of this course, you'll be a skilled Linux administrator ready to take ...

What you'll learnGetting Started,Variables,Values and Data Types, Operators and Operands, Function CallsWrite scripts for general ...

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