

What you'll learnDesigning and illustrating figures and plots in 3DFamiliarity with Python libraries for data visualization ...

What you'll learnYou will be able to use the functions provided to download financial data from a number of sources and preprocess it for ...

What you'll learnIntroducing the structure of Machine Learning and Deep Learning and their application in real problemsIntroducing ...

What you'll learnCreate Fully Functional Websites Using Django 4Learn Full Stack Web DevelopmentFundamentals of HTML, CSS, and ...

What you'll learnHow to build a Backend REST API with Python and Django Rest FrameworkHow to setup a local development server for ...

Duration : 15 hours What you'll learnLearn Python in easy and simple way.Learn coding in Python by examples.Learn how to use ...

What you'll learnBuild a Solid Foundation in Data Analysis with PythonYou will be able to work with the Pandas Data Structures: Series, ...

What you'll learnFundamentals of Python Scripting: Understand the basics of Python scripting language, including variables, basic programming ...

What you'll learnInstallation and setup of Python Anaconda and Pygame for game development.Creation of basic game structures and ...

What you'll learn-21 hoursStudents will learn the basic concepts of Python programming language, including installation and setup of the Python ...

What you'll learnEnsemble Learning: Master the intricacies of Random Forest, Extremely Random Forest, and Adaboost Regressor for powerful ...

What you'll learnMaster Core Concepts: Gain a solid understanding of fundamental machine learning principles, covering key concepts, ...

What you'll learnPySide2 Fundamentals: Understand the basics of PySide2 and the key differences between PySide and PySide2.Installation ...

What you'll learnData Preprocessing: Techniques for cleaning, formatting, and organizing data effectively.Linear Regression: ...

What you'll learnPython programming with absolutely no programming backgroundLearn how Python Operators work including Arithmetic, ...

What you'll learnInstall Python and write first programLearn Python from scratchCreate a command line based program ...

The complete Python bootcamp for 2024. Learn Python 3 from beginner to expert. Build complete Python applications.What you'll learn -58 hours course...

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Duration : 22.5 Hours What you'll learnUnderstand the intuition behind Artificial Neural NetworksApply Artificial Neural Networks in ...

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Best Data Science CoursesChoosing the best data science course is crucial for a successful career in this rapidly evolving field. Start by assessing your ...

What you'll learnYou will learn Python within few days with practical examples, exercises, assignments, and problems with solutions.You ...

What you'll learnConocer el manejo y desarrollo de uno de los lenguaje de programación más usado en el mercado laboralSe realizará 100% ...

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to learnPython Programming Beginner To Advanced, Flask Framework And Django Framework With Building Project ...

What you'll learnStart at zero and become an expert whilst learning all about the inner workings of PythonLearn how to write ...

What you'll learnAdvanced Collections: Named Tuples, Default Dictionary, Counters, Ordered Dictionary, Queues and DequesAdvanced ...

What you'll learnSolid understanding of decision trees, bagging, Random Forest and Boosting techniques in R studioUnderstand ...

What you'll learnLearn how to solve real life problem using the Linear and Logistic Regression techniquePreliminary analysis of data ...

What you'll learnUnderstand how to interpret the result of Logistic Regression model in Python and translate them into actionable insight ...

1. NIVEL PLATAIniciaremos con una sección de entrenamiento completa para las bases en python, esta implementada con ejercicios para tu optimo aprendizaje. ...

What you'll learnAprenderás a manejar dataframes y limpiar datos en R y Python.Dominarás la creación de gráficos avanzados para ...

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Duration: 21 hours What you'll learnLearn To Write Clean And Proper Python Code With Concept.Learn About 4 Pillars Of Object Oriented ...

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