

What you'll learnTalend Data Integration, ETLCreate ETL jobs that connect to almost any data source. Filter, Modify, Unite data. ...

What you'll learnEnsemble Learning: Master the intricacies of Random Forest, Extremely Random Forest, and Adaboost Regressor for powerful ...

What you'll learnLearn how to solve real life problem using the deep learning techniquesLearn Deep Learning models such as Regression, ...

What you'll learnPython Proficiency: Master the use of Python for implementing machine learning algorithms, establishing a solid programming ...

What you'll learnIdentify potential areas of applications of AIBasic ideas and techniques in the design of intelligent computer systems ...

What you'll learnPySide2 Fundamentals: Understand the basics of PySide2 and the key differences between PySide and PySide2.Installation ...

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Combine the power of Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning to create powerful AI for Real-World applications! What you'll learn -15.5 hours...

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Duration : 21 Hours What you'll learnSuccessfully perform all steps in a complex Data Science projectCreate Basic Tableau ...

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Duration: 44 hours What you'll learnMaster Machine Learning on Python & RHave a great intuition of many Machine Learning models ...

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Duration : 22.5 Hours What you'll learnUnderstand the intuition behind Artificial Neural NetworksApply Artificial Neural Networks in ...

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Do you want to learn Machine Learning from scratch? Here we listed Machine Learning tutorials which will help you learn Machine Learning from scratch, and are ...

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Best Data Science CoursesChoosing the best data science course is crucial for a successful career in this rapidly evolving field. Start by assessing your ...

What you'll learnCode with Python Programming LanguagePython Functional ProgrammingStructure Data using collection ...

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What you'll learnThe R working tools and environment for professionalsThe R syntax and how to explain and describe the code ...

What you'll learnLearn the techniques to communicate clear and concise message through your chartsLearn how to create 25+ chart types in ...

What you'll learnGet a solid understanding of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Deep LearningUnderstand the business scenarios where ...

What you'll learnGet a solid understanding of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Deep LearningBuild an end-to-end Image recognition ...

What you'll learnGet a solid understanding of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Deep LearningLearn usage of Keras and Tensorflow ...

1. NIVEL PLATAIniciaremos con una sección de entrenamiento completa para las bases en python, esta implementada con ejercicios para tu optimo aprendizaje. ...

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O que você aprenderáCriar modelos preditivos com Deep Learning, Neural Networks e Series TemporaisCriar elementos gráficos com uso de ...

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Lo que aprenderásEl curso proporciona todo el conjunto de herramientas necesarias para convertirte en científico de datos.Llena tu ...

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Lo que aprenderás -51 horas cursoDominar el Machine Learning con R y con Python.Tener intuición en la mayoría de modelos de Machine ...

What you'll learnTransform your ideas into captivating content with ChatGPT's potent prompt engineering techniques.Elevate your ...

What you'll learnProficient Data Manipulation: Acquire the skills to efficiently clean, organize, and manipulate raw data within Excel, ensuring ...

What you'll learn -27 hoursKeys to Artificial Intelligence and the new Generative AI.Keys to LLM Applications, the highest potential ...

What you'll learn -19 hours courseBuild artificial neural networks with Tensorflow and KerasImplement machine learning at massive ...

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Duration : 43.5 hours What you'll learnBecome a Data Scientist and get hiredMaster Machine Learning and use it on the job ...

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading cloud computing platform, offering a wide array of services for computing power, storage, and databases, among others. ...

Duration : 29.5 hours What you'll learnStudents Will Understand What Is Machine LearningWhy They Need To Learn Machine Learning ...

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What you'll learn -7.5 hoursBecome proficient in LangChainHave 3 end to end working LangChain based generative AI applications ...

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