Python Certification Exam Microsoft MTA 98-381 – Preparation

Python Certification Exam Microsoft MTA 98-381 – Preparation

Perform Operations using Data Types and Operators

  • Evaluate an expression to identify the data type Python will assign to each variable:
    identify str, int, float, and bool data types
  • Perform data and data type operations:
    convert from one data type to another type; construct data structures; perform indexing and slicing operations
  • Determine the sequence of execution based on operator precedence:
    assignment; comparison; logical; arithmetic; identity (is); containment (in)
  • Select the appropriate operator to achieve the intended result:
    assignment; comparison; logical; arithmetic; identity (is); containment (in)

Control Flow with Decisions and Loops

  • Construct and analyze code segments that use branching statements:
    if; elif; else; nested and compound conditional expressions
  • Construct and analyze code segments that perform iteration:
    while; for; break; continue; pass; nested loops and loops that include compound conditional expressions

Perform Input and Output Operations

  • Construct and analyze code segments that perform file input and output operations:
    open; close; read; write; append; check existence; delete; with statement
  • Construct and analyze code segments that perform console input and output operations:
    read input from console; print formatted text; use of command line arguments

Document and Structure Code

  • Document code segments using comments and documentation strings:
    use indentation, white space, comments, and documentation strings; generate documentation by using pydoc
  • Construct and analyze code segments that include function definitions:
    call signatures; default values; return; def; pass

Perform Troubleshooting and Error Handling

  • Analyze, detect, and fix code segments that have errors:
    syntax errors; logic errors; runtime errors
  • Analyze and construct code segments that handle exceptions:
    try; except; else; finally; raise

Perform Operations Using Modules and Tools

  • Perform basic operations using built-in modules:
    math; datetime; io; sys; os; os.path; random
  • Solve complex computing problems by using built-in modules:
    math; datetime; random

How to Enroll Python Certification Exam Microsoft MTA 98-381 – Preparation course?

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